Hello, we are a
Sertão stepping
We believe in people and seek to find the essence of their dreams, awakening the potential that exists within each one. We help to form protagonists of their own stories and subjects committed to building a better world.
Pisada do Sertão was born in 2004, in the small town of Poço de José de Moura, in the interior of Paraíba, in a fragile, discredited and very vulnerable territory, where people were limited to living in a life cycle marked by poverty, social exclusion , scarcity of resources and opportunities.
Led by a dreamy teacher, the organization started its activities with the formation of a regional dance group formed by teenagers and young people who sought to find in dance an opportunity to re-signify their condition of idleness and social vulnerability. This initiative provided the training of new young leaders in the community, who played the leading role in the educational spaces in the construction of their life projects.
Pisada do Sertão has come to recognize culture as an instrument of inclusion and social development, and currently stands out in the entire sertanejo and northeastern scenario for its importance to the territory in which it operates.
We believe that by investing in the cultural potential of the Paraíba hinterland we can promote human and territorial development, creating opportunities for the transformation of the local reality.
what they say about us
Promote the integral development of children, adolescents and young people through Northeastern culture, education and social assistance
Making Sertão Nordestino a place of opportunity for everyone.
love what you do
Social responsability
human appreciation
Creativity in methodological and pedagogical practices
Quality in the offer and development of its activities
integral development
axes of action
Development Integral
It is articulated in a perspective of multidimensional formation of cultural and humanized experience, considering the subject as the center of the educational process. Its objective is to promote human formation based on the development of skills and abilities, which awakens the potential of the subjects, favoring the relationship between spaces, times and learning opportunities as a tool for social transformation through the proposal of integral education.
Territorial Development
It is characterized by networking, entrepreneurship and creative economy, through articulation, exchanges and partnership that allow the consolidation of a unified proposal for the development of people that reflects on the development of the territory. The objective is to integrate educational and cultural possibilities, diversity, identity and social relations and to enhance them in order to promote human rights policies in spaces that offer effective learning opportunities, making the a place of opportunity and conquests.
Ana Neiry de Moura
Tamara Dantas
Resource Mobilizer
Leidaiane Cruz
Cassio Cassimiro
Cultural Producer
Mecêis Maria
Reading Educator
Antonio Francisco
Music Educator
Maria Aldezira
Service Assistant
Aldecy Alves
Graciano Farias
Volunteer Gardener
Ana Meire de Sousa
Director Financeira
Andresca Taisa
People Sector
Verissimo Galdino
Project Analyst
Cristina Soares
pedagogical assistant
Antonia Nelbia
Nubia Naiete
Purchasing Supervisor
Marilia Bandeira
General Services Assistant
Maria Aldezira
Service Assistant
Graciano Farias
Volunteer Gardener
Rafaella Lopes
Expansion Manager
Ana Carolina
Communication assistant
Damiana Martins
Camila Almeida
Administrative assistant
Jamilly Rodrigues
Dance Educator
José Olímpio
Communication assistant
Zulmira Duarte
Service Assistant
Graciano Farias
Volunteer Gardener
Graciano Farias
Volunteer Gardener
Board of Directors
Ana Neiry de Moura Alves
Executive director
José Olimpio Claudino de Oliveira
Vice Executive Director
Ana Meire de Sousa Marques
Financial Director
Ana Fabia de Oliveira Duarte
Administrative director
Fiscal Council
Rafaella Lopes Goncalves Bandeira
Tamara Soleanne da Silva Dantas
Andresca Taisa Batista Anacleto
consulting board
Alessandra Gomes Lontra
Ana Lucia Gusmao
Arthur da Silva Dantas
Joaquim Miguel Amorim
Marcelo Paes de Carvalho
Suzany de Souza Costa
Maelida Ladiane da Silva Soares
Work with us
Donate and support our people
We serve children, adolescents, young people and their families in situations of social vulnerability and extreme poverty, with the mission of promoting their integral development through the Northeastern culture, contributing to the social transformation of the sertanejo territory.
Quem somos
A Pisada do Sertão atua desde 2004 no sertão paraibano atendendo crianças, adolescentes e jovens e suas famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social e extrema pobreza, com a missão de promover seu desenvolvimento integral por meio da cultura nordestina contribuindo para a transformação social do território sertanejo.
E-mail: contato@pisadadosertao.org
Telefone: (83) 99848-0713
CNPJ: 08.842.657/0001-08
Representante legal: Ana Neiry de Moura Alves
Endereço: Rua Maria das Dores de Carvalho - Nº156
Poço de José de Moura, Sertão da Paraíba, CEP 58908-000
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