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Projeto Território Criativo Rota do Sol

Thinking about territorial development, the project seeks to provide training for women and young people from 10 cities in the upper backlands of Paraíba in order to include them in the job market, as well as add value to existing productive initiatives or implementing new businesses that are in line with the principles of the solidarity economy.

The projectCreative Territory Rota do Sol: culture and socio-productive inclusionaims to promote sustainable local development of municipalities in the Alto Sertão Paraibano from the strengthening of popular arts as a mechanism for cultural production and socio-productive inclusion of women and young people in the region of Alto Sertão Paraibano.

Project Cycles


Aiming to add value to local productive initiatives, based on the potentialities demanded in the project execution territory, 09 courses and 02 workshops will be held, having the creative economy as a principle for the development of training actions. They are: Graphic Designer, Video Maker, Sociocultural Entrepreneurship, Cultural Production, Digital Photography, Cutting and Sewing in Custom Shirts, Patchwok, Fabric and Felt Crafts, Handmade Soap Making and Dance and Music Workshop.

Conducting workshops


In addition to the courses and workshops held, participants will go through an entrepreneurial precursor which will favor the development of entrepreneurial skills and competences. Through monthly training meetings, topics aligned with socio-emotional and technical skills will be addressed as pillars that support the professional practice of the participants.

entrepreneurial journey


Throughout the project's execution cycle, participants will be systematically monitored in order to follow their evolution levels within the training process. This will favor the application of a continuous evaluation, in which the best punctuated participants will be inserted in the talent bank, which will enhance their insertion in the job market, as well as in the strengthening and implementation of small businesses.

Talent Bank


Production of a virtual catalog as a way of expanding business communication and giving visibility to qualified professionals and local entrepreneurs.

Virtual Catalog


Holding of a Creative Business Fair in each city that is part of the project in order to give visibility to qualified professionals, local entrepreneurs, to the products and services arising from the project in which they will be marketed to the local population as well as the public present.

creative business fair

participating municipalities

Poço de José de Moura




São João do Rio do Peixe

Santa Helena

Monte Horebe

São Jose de Piranhas

Bernardino Batista

Joca Claudino



Audience to be Served




youth and women


Receive specific training to boost your photography career.

video maker

Receive specific training to boost your videographer career.

Receive specific training to boost your entrepreneurial career.

Cultural production

Receive specific training to boost your production career.

Quem somos

A Pisada do Sertão atua desde 2004 no sertão paraibano atendendo crianças, adolescentes e jovens e suas famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social e extrema pobreza, com a missão de promover seu desenvolvimento integral por meio da cultura nordestina contribuindo para a transformação social do território sertanejo.


Telefone: (83) 99837-9891

CNPJ: 08.842.657/0001-08
Representante legal:  Ana Neiry de Moura Alves

Endereço: Rua Maria das Dores de Carvalho - Nº156

                    Poço de José de Moura, Sertão da Paraíba,                        CEP 58908-000

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