Sertão Footsteps:
a fertility story
They say that when the land is fertile, the seed soon becomes a plant, and this, when cared for, multiplies producing fruits, which in turn generate new seeds for an entire plantation to be disseminated.
Zé de Moura, the founder of the city of Poço de José de Moura for being a lover of popular culture, built together with his people a cultural identity that in the very near future would be the pride of the entire population of Poçomour. Zé de Moura left a legacy and a mission, and as we are fertile soil, this mission continues.
After his death and until 2004, he no longer spoke of culture, only the memories of a past that survived in orality remained. What the population had not yet understood is that making culture as in the past would no longer be possible, it would be possible to make culture in the present, with a new context and a new reality.
It was with this in mind that the local parish priest, Fr. Walter Fernandes Anacleto sought to evangelize young people having art and culture as, thus, being Fr. Walter, very young, creative and dynamic, invited the representatives of the church's Youth group, Rafaella Lopes Gonçalves Bandeira, Waldir Júnior, Layalla Rânney Dantas Bandeira and Cássio Kennedy de Sá Andrade to participate in a planning meeting for the patron saint's festivities.
One of the agendas of the meeting was the realization of a Cultural Show at the opening of the festivities, and the suggestion of Fr. it was to rescue Reisado Zé de Moura's group and form a xaxado group. The challenge was accepted, however, it was necessary to have a person leading the young people to teach xaxado dance and rescue reisado. The Reisado group was led by José Vandevan, for the formation of the xaxado group, teacher Maria do Carmo Torres, who was also on the organizing committee, reported that in 1982 four young people from Poço gave a presentation in Brasília at the National Youth Meeting Rural by EMATER-PB. The young women were: Ela Maria do Carmo Torres, Ângela Maria de Sá, Núbia Naiete de Moura Dantas and Aurileide Egídio de Moura.
Hearing this report, the young people were excited and soon sought out the former members so that they could teach them to dance xaxado, but, again a challenge, teacher Maria do Carmo could no longer remember what the choreography was like and soon indicated that he should look for teacher Núbia, who also reported that he no longer knew how to dance xaxado. Seeing the young people's desire to learn to dance, Núbia indicated that she should look for her sister, Ana Neiry de Moura Alves, because she was young, a teacher and always identified with cultural activities.
The young people did not hesitate and went looking for Ana Neiry, who immediately accepted the challenge, and mobilized other teenagers and young people who participated in the church group to form a dance group. The rehearsals were held at the church headquarters, the costumes were articulated by Fr. that they brought from the group from Santa Helena, the young people looked for accessories borrowed from the community such as a rifle, leather sandals, arupembas and even a black tunic used by priests at the time of Zé de Moura was placed as a costume for the character of Padre Cícero who was part of the dramatization of the show.
To learn the choreography, Fr. Walter provided a damn tape that had no audio, just the image. To understand the steps, it was necessary to pause and deduce the movements. The music of the show was made available by radio Difusora Cajazeiras. The group was named Pisada do Sertão inspired by the song Pisada de lampião by Luiz Gonzaga in the passage that says “Olha a Pisada, de Lampião” and the Sertão was proposed thinking about the location that these young people live in “Sertão Paraibano”.
On the day of the group's debut, the Cultural Show was held in the party court of the late João Moura, on October 7, 2004 after the opening mass of the Festas de São Geraldo. The environment was decorated by the young people with plants typical of the region, the back wall of the stage was decorated as hammocks, in front of the stage there were stones, cactus, pots and clay pots. At the Cultural Show, there was a presentation by Reisado, Poesias, and the xaxado group.
A memorable night for the youth and the community, the sparkle in the youth's eyes revealed the joy in being able to lead, shine and be applauded by their families and the entire community that was attending the event. With the success of the show, the group was on the agenda of the cultural programming of the events of the Diocese organized by Fr. Walter.
What was supposed to be just a presentation, Pisada do Sertão was born, Ana Neiry went ahead with the group, leading, teaching and awakening motivation, self-esteem and skills that until then had not been recognized by young people.
In 2005 they had their own costume, which was donated by the Municipality of Poço de José de Moura during the administration of Mayor Aurileide Egídio de Moura. There the group was already stronger, the young people found themselves in the cultural work, awakening in the neighboring cities the creation of dance groups.
In 2006, Ana Neiry invited Cleonice Maria and Anildomá Willans, both representatives of the Grupo de Xaxado Cabras de Lampião de Serra Talhada-PE, to qualify the group theoretically and in practice, thus, xaxado workshops were held, the young people could get to know the steps, clothing and history, and like good students, they followed all the guidelines.
From 2004 many things happened, the shows expanded, including typical dances from the northeast, they performed in many national and international festivals in Brazil, but the Xaxado show is still the most awaited and applauded by the public.
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We serve children, adolescents, young people and their families in situations of social vulnerability and extreme poverty, with the mission of promoting their integral development through the Northeastern culture, contributing to the social transformation of the sertanejo territory.